The Coleman Law Firm, PLLC
Probation Violation Attorneys
The Coleman Law Firm in Oklahoma City provides representation and education regarding probation violation.
Failure to satisfy one or more of the following requirements is grounds for the charge of probation violation:
- Restitution
- Community Service
- Alcohol/Drug Assessment and/or Treatment
- Psychiatric Treatment
- DUI Education
- Victim Impact Panel
- Completion of GED or Job Skills Training
- Supervision by the district attorney’s office or Oklahoma Department of Corrections
- Payment of monthly probation fees
- Prohibition from leaving State of Oklahoma without receiving written permission of the probation officer or judge
- Prohibition from violating any city, state, federal, or tribal laws
- Prohibition from possessing and/or consuming marijuana or any other illegal drug
- Prohibition from possessing and/or consuming alcohol or visiting places where alcohol is main item for sale
- Prohibition from associating with convicted felons (unless they are family members)
- Notification of change of address, employment, and/or telephone number
- Prohibition from carrying concealed weapons, possessing firearms, or riding in vehicle that contains a firearm
- Requirement that the defendant maintain gainful employment
If you seek legal counsel or representation by an expert defense team, don’t settle for anything less than the best.
Expertise, Approach, and Leadership
We believe quality legal representation is essential, and that a firm’s success can only be measured by the values, ethics, and dedication of its attorneys. Meet the Team.

Request a Free Case Review
If you have been charged with a crime, time is critical to the success of your defense strategy. Contact us today so we can begin reviewing your case.
Please provide a few basic details using the confidential case review form and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss options.